Posts Tagged ‘Blood-Loss’

Baraka The Wonder Boy

In Family on November 22, 2008 at 6:04 pm

Baraka Badr Al-Din

Baraka, our second son, was born on February 9th 2008. We thanked Allah SWT that he was born healthy and handsome. We didn’t actually plan to have another baby in regards to the fact that our first son, Muhammad Ariq Azzarel was born with cerebral palsy due to lack of oxygen. We fully blamed ourselves for being ignorant during pregnancy, well, not totally ignorant actually. Both of us really paid attention in terms of nutrition, vitamins, medicines and so on. We really followed what the Gynecologist told us. Later on we learned that we’re not supposed to ‘swallow’ any pieces of advice. We should’ve asked for others’ opinions and all those sort of things. More stories about Ariq can be found here.

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