Archive for July, 2009|Monthly archive page

Dysarthria, A Speech Disorder

In Cerebral Palsy, Family, Health, Medical on July 7, 2009 at 12:36 pm

Communication, understanding and patience, the three keys to success

Today, I went to Ariq’s school to get his school report. I was glad that he really improves well; however, there is a little note from his therapies that we had better give him more drills in two-way communication. I don’t mean to say that he cannot communicate his ideas or thoughts. In fact he does, although it is only those of habitual ones. He is able to say such things like “Kakak mau makan” (I want to eat), “Kakak mau minum susu” (I want to have some milk), “Kakak mau keluar” (I want to go out), “Pergi kemana” (Where are we going?), “Kakak mau mandi” (I want to take a bath) and many others. Ariq also understands simple commands like “Ganti baju” (Change your clothes), “Buka celana” (Pull down your trousers), “Tutup pintu” (Close the door), Ambil bukunya” (Get the book) and so on.

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