Archive for September, 2009|Monthly archive page

Nothing is more powerful than regrets

In Bric-a-brac, Family on September 26, 2009 at 9:23 pm


Regret is an intelligent and emotional dislike for personal past acts and behaviors. Regret is often felt when someone feels sadness, shame, embarrassment, depression or even guilt after committing an action or actions that later wished that he or she hadn’t done (wikipedia)

A few days ago I went to my sister’s house attending a wedding proposal to a nephew. I went there with my wife and the two sons, as you all know it’s post Eid Al-Fitr so our two maids went home and promised to return on October 1st 2009. As soon as we got there, it’s crowded already, lots and lots people came around from both sides. What’s more terrifying was the two boys didn’t seem to enjoy the crowd too much, the full house seemed to worsen the hot day so I took them in my sister’s bedroom, a cozy and cool place to dwell temporarily.

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