Archive for March, 2011|Monthly archive page

Another trip to the hospital

In Cerebral Palsy, Family, Health on March 31, 2011 at 10:06 am


His second hospital trip


As explained previously, Ariq had been hospitalized twice due to his fever and vomiting. Unlike his first hospital sleep-over, the second hospital trip was accompanied by seizure. It was a couple of weeks after Eid ul Fitr 2010 when this happened. That afternoon, I went out with my wife and my younger brother on a double date to Gandaria City. We went home around 7pm and parted near Lebak Bulus soccer stadium where my wife took a taxi home while I continued the drive to my mom’s house, my brother dropped me off there. I remember asking my wife to join me but she refused because she preferred to go home, she said that she felt bad for leaving them too long.

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Our Precious Ariq

In Cerebral Palsy, Family, Health, Medical on March 30, 2011 at 8:07 am

The Day Our Ariq Rushed to the Hospital

The charming first son


It’s been much too long since the last time I wrote for this blog. Many things happened during my absence and all evolved around our beloved first son. He’s been having frequent convulsion (many refer this as an epileptic seizure: occasionally referred to as a fit, is defined as a transient symptom of “abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain”) due to his cerebral palsy. This seizure occurred monthly and with a similar pattern. There’s more, he was hospitalized twice because of this.

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