Archive for the ‘Automotive’ Category

The Day A Coward Ripped Off My Peaceful Morning

In Automotive on February 5, 2009 at 8:49 pm

This morning, when I was on my way to the office, just when I was about to make a final turn to the office’s premises, my bike was hit from the back. One thing that I hated most about the incident was, it was hit and run. I have always been more than just being cautious before making any turns anywhere since I’m fully aware that a bike is much more destructive than a car does. When you’re on a bike, one simple hit can throw you few meters away. Higher speed will surely throw you even farther with even more serious damages. I remember my dad used to say that even when a person is highly-alarmed or cautious about his or her safety, danger may occur, ironically, from the outside. This means that even when you are careful, accidents may still happen because often times other people are not careful enough.

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Coolest Cars Ever Appeared In Movies

In Automotive, Movies, Trivias on December 18, 2008 at 9:29 am

Even though cars are often considered  small elements in most films, their appearance somehow boost the film in terms of memory recollection. We can’t argue that cars in movies have scientifically improve the quality or rating of the films where they appear. Often times the cars just appear as they are, without any major modifications although some of them are really built specially for the films.

It’s a scientific fact that even the worst films can be improved  if there is a cool car in it. We do remember some films, from time to time, because of their car-chase sequences as in most action films always feature. We also relate particular film heroes with their cars as simply identical.

Here are some cool cars ever appeared in some of my favorite movies:

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Motorcycle Madness

In Automotive, Photography on November 24, 2008 at 3:24 am

Motorcycle Madness:

I swear I was gonna photograph the house, using my bike as a foreground, but I ended up taking pictures of my bike with the house as the background. Here are the pictures, at least you can still see the house, it’s big, cozy and nice.

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The restoration of a 2004 black honda tiger

In Automotive, Photography on September 21, 2008 at 6:15 pm

Back in the late 2005, one of my aunts offered me her son’s Honda Tiger, February 2004 Edition, she wanted to sell it. It was standard all over, with minor scratches on the left side of the headlight, turn light and went all the way to side body until rear turn signal, it was once fell during a ride and bumped on the asphalt. This was somehow a close call, since previously my boss also offered me if I wanted to buy a motorcycle knowing that I live farther than previously. After a long negotiation and some consultations with my fellow workers, I bought the bike, in installments for the price of 11.000.000. It should be finished in a year. It wasn’t a good one in terms of paint work and maintenance, but the odometer showed 8000 KMs travelled. Not bad for a 2004 edition.

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