Archive for April, 2009|Monthly archive page

New-Downloadable WordPress Themes

In Ads, Bric-a-brac, Hobbies, Pop, Unique on April 25, 2009 at 6:05 am

Redoable Lite by Dean Robinson

Once again, having been inspired by a friend who introduced me to blogging, I found myself browsing through other themes in WordPress. The previous theme, Redoable Lite by Dean Robinson, had been marvelous but I kinda need some sort of refreshments on the look. Last night when I was browsing through Hongkiat, I found a post about WordPress newest themes created by Smashing Magazines. They are all great in terms of layout, widgets and colors so I downloaded one of them in RAR files.

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Another Fun Day With Therapy

In Cerebral Palsy, Family, Health, Medical on April 10, 2009 at 3:39 pm

Ariq, our first son, as we all know, suffers from cerebral palsy due to the lack of oxygen during the delivery process. This hampers his movements, coordination, balance and motoric skills. Since he enrolled in Kitty Center, a school for special needs, back in 2005, Ariq has purchased several therapeutic instruments that support his daily therapies such as AFO shoes, splints, bandages and peto chairs. The result has been quite good, alhamdulillah for he is able to follow all the drills without any major difficulties. Although he experienced some hard time but eventually he managed to conquer his obstacles. We are grateful that he does his therapies happily now, no more weeping nor complaining whatsoever. He does all the drills whole-heartedly.

Ariq with Dad

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