Posts Tagged ‘Insult’

American Top 10: Most Misinterpreted Songs

In Music, Pop, Trivias, Unique on February 16, 2009 at 2:05 pm

I believe all of you would absolutely agree if I say that music plays an important role in our life. As for myself who was born in early 70, I found out that the music from the era of 70s until the 90s were great ones. I like music and always listen to it in every aspect of my life. I can say that my life has been quite musical in the sense that it’s an inseparable part of my life, I sing (in the bathroom), I hum, whistle my favorite bands’ songs and even pretending to be one of the band members performing live, lol. This post will bring you back to early 70s, 80s and also modern era where, in my opinion, lots of great bands and or music were formed. Sadly, some of us or even most of us often misinterpret the real meaning of these songs. As described in, misinterpretation is misunderstanding, mistaking, giving wrong interpretation on something. We often miss the intended context of the related songs. Here are the famous songs, in misinterpretation..

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Somebody had better teach this young girl manner

In Amazing, Education on September 27, 2008 at 3:27 pm

Today’s lesson is about manner

I was browsing the web when I stumbled upon this picture, it’s agonizing, sad, embarrassing and upsetting me. I wonder if her parents teaches her to distinguish right from wrong. Does she know the meaning of this impolite gesture? Does she realize how other people would react to this? I’m sad and embarrassed for having to see this. How could a girl, so little may show such a bad attitude towards an old woman? Will somebody please explain this?

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